Need a Break?
Respite Care is a FREE service for Forsyth County families to provide temporary, short-term relief for children ages 0-12 years so parents and caregivers are able to address their own health, social, and emotional needs.
Respite Care can help:
- Achieve statistically significant reductions in caregiver stress
- Increase caregivers’ positive attitude toward their children
- Enhance family stability/function
- Strengthen parent-child relationships
- Prevent child abuse or neglect by reducing the risk of maltreatment and out-of-home placement
Activities and Events
Fun, child-centered events hosted by The Parenting PATH along with local childcare centers and providers. Provides some much-needed relief time for parents in a supervised environment.
Support Network Case Management
One-on-one consultation time with our family specialists to help parents/caregivers establish a network of support for Respite Care at other times of need.
Respite Care services can be planned or offered during times of emergencies or crisis.
To reach your Respite Care Case Manager after hours: 336-414-7555.
To make a referral click here or call (336) 748-9028 for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
When can I use Respite Care?
Parents and caregivers can use Respite Care for a wide range of events and activities including, a mental health break, holiday shopping, date night out, special family events, school or work events, medical appointments, etc.
Who is eligible for services?
Only families residing in Forsyth County Residents are eligible for Respite Care.
Is there a cost for Respite Care Services?
There is no cost for Respite Care participants.
I need daycare while I work, can I use Respite Care?
No, Respite Care is brief and temporary. It is not intended for long-term, ongoing childcare.
Can I drop my children off for Respite Care Services or do I need to pre-register?
Parents/caregivers must pre-register for Respite Care Services. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to avoid a wait as this process will take about 45 minutes.
If accepted for Respite Care, what will parents/caregivers need to bring?
Parents/caregivers will need to provide lunch and a beverage, bottles, and formula, snacks, diapers and wipes, and a change of clothing.
Does Respite Care Services provide follow-up?
Follow-up is conducted with each family following their participation in respite care. This follow-up helps us to evaluate how we can best provide services to meet the needs of our families.
Where is Respite Care provided?
Many of the activities and events hosted by the Respite Care program are housed in a fully licensed drop-in center. Other activities or events may be hosted at other venues in the county.