Good things happen when we all come together! #communitysupport
So honored to be partnering with these amazing community organizations! Thank you for your support of the Pinwheels Thrift Store and Family Center and The Parenting PATH!

Winston-Salem’s award-winning consignment store since 1995, etc. Consignment Shoppe is not only focused on recycling but it is also the heart of their business model.
Etc. Consignment Shoppe has established relationships with several local charitable organizations to help empower the lives of others.
For more information about etc. Consignment Shoppe:

With a philosophy of “a hand up, not a hand out,” a phrase coined by President Jimmy Carter, Habitat Forsyth makes it possible for local families to achieve strength and stability that comes from owning safe, decent, affordable housing.
Through partnering with Habitat, families are able to experience the joys that come with a home: the security of owning rather than renting; the comfort of knowing one’s neighbors and seeing children play in their yards; the stability of putting down roots in a community; and the long-term investment that helps build personal wealth.
For more information about the local Habitat for Humanity and its ReStore:

Winston Wardrobe is a locally owned small business that sells previously owned Women’s High End Clothing.
Please visit us on Instagram @winstonwardrobe or email us at
We are proud to partner with Pinwheels Winston Salem to help in the fight to prevent and treat child abuse.