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Community Heroes

2015 Community Hero Tom Bush

2015 Community Hero - Tom Bush

"For your dedication to the prevention of child abuse."

Exchange SCAN honored Tom Bush with the 2015 Community Hero Award at the annual Spring Gala on May 1, 2015. Board Vice-Chair Jennifer Martin provided the following remarks in announcing this award. Thank you Tom Bush for all you have done for SCAN over the years!

Fifteen years ago when Tom and Holly Bush married, they did not register for china, furniture or crystal. Instead, they asked for toy donations for SCAN. Over 35 years our honoree has assisted in raising more than 3 million dollars for SCAN.

He has been instrumental in organizing and beginning the "Tee-Off for Child Abuse", an event that has contributed substantial donors to SCAN. As an Exchange Club member, he was instrumental in bringing The Exchange Club Peanut Sales to the Dixie Classic Fair, which benefits Exchange/SCAN. Thanks to his efforts, SCAN is one of the longest providers of child abuse prevention and treatment services in our community.

As our honoree said in 1979, "child abuse was something that got swept under the carpet". Today that has changed.

We can thank our honoree for the organization we have today. Whether it is selling peanuts, planning golf tournaments, or serving food at Sci-Works, Tom Bush embodies the soul and spirit of SCAN. He's been called amazing, selfless, helpful and inspiring. Today, we will call him the 2015 Community Hero!